The European Group on Biological Invasions
The European Group on Biological Invasions
Time to act!
Biological invasions need a strong European
legal framework urgently!
legal framework urgently!
adopted by the participants of the
“7th European Conference on Biological Invasions” of the European Working Group on Biological Invasions - NEOBIOTA
At the 7th European Conference on Biological Invasions in Pontevedra (Spain), 12-14 September 2012, the following resolution has been adopted by the 300 participating scientists and environmental managers: ALARMED at the inadequate social response to the fact that biological invasions and the impacts they cause on ecosystems and society are increasing among all taxonomic groups, and in all environments;
RECALLING that biological invasions cause at least € 12.5 billion worth of damage each year in the European Union1;
RECALLING European commitments2 and the recent motion no 213 adopted by the IUCN World Conservation Congress in September 2012 to stop the spread of invasive alien species;
NOTING that climate change is likely to increase substantially the magnitude of negative impacts;
BEING AWARE of and in SUPPORT of on-going legal initiatives of the European Commission;
The EUROPEAN COMMISSION is urged to: Establish as soon as possible a comprehensive and mandatory legal framework to control the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive alien species, and to address those already introduced1.
Ensure that by 2020, invasive alien species and their pathways in Europe are identified and prioritised, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and pathways are managed to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of new invasive alien species, in accordance with the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the CBD’s Aichi Biodiversity Target 9.
Pontevedra (Spain), 2012-09-15
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